Purpose Statement
The Christian Life Committee of the LWML Kansas District provides guidance to the women of the Kansas District on how to find resources and programs to help them and their societies grow in faith.

Christian Life comprises a number of events, resources, and tools to grow your faith.

2023 LWML Prayer Service
My Soul Rejoices: A Service of Song and Prayer
But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy … (Psalm 5:11a).
The 2023 LWML Prayer Service, written by former LWML Pastoral Counselor Rev. Dr. Mitchel Schuessler of Clarinda, Iowa, will bless your heart and life as you join with your sisters and brothers in singing songs of prayer and praise to the Lord who continues to bless you daily. Singing familiar hymns, joining together in the Word, and spending time in prayer, individually and corporately, will help you recognize and give thanks for your God-given blessings. “My Soul Rejoices” is filled with hymns, the Word, and prayer. You can look forward to a joyous and uplifting worship service whether it is used in the congregation or the LWML district, zone, or group.
2023 Prayer Service information on the LWML site.
Click here for information on our Day of Prayer offerings.

Faith Building
Faith Building Help for Groups is the planner for 2021–2023. This planning resource includes over 50 new devotions, songs, Bible studies, and sketches to encourage your faith. Every Bible study, devotion, sketch, and song contained in this manual has been LCMS doctrinally reviewed so you can use them with confidence knowing that they truthfully proclaim God’s Word. The materials in this manual have been designed to help you reach the “woman in the pew” so that she can grow spiritually, joyfully join her LWML sisters in Christ, and spread the Word in service to Him.
A new two year collection is available following each national convention!
View / download the 2021-2023 Faith Building Help for Groups here.

Prayer Mail (Pmail)
“Pray for those in need with LWML”
Do you have a prayer request or thanksgiving to be circulated? If you’d like to be included in the LWML Kansas District Prayer Mail network, send your name and email address to our coordinator Velma Bass. Requests, updates and thanksgivings are distributed in “blind copy” fashion so your email address is not shared with anyone else.
More than 100 LWML brothers and sisters participate in this email sharing.
Mustard Seed Devotions
“A vibrant tool for Christian growth and Gospel sharing”
The seed of the mustard plant is among the smallest of seeds, yet from this small seed grows a large bush. Jesus used the analogy of a mustard seed to show how something small and seemingly inconsequential can have a powerful impact. In 1971 the LWML developed a new series of short personal Bible studies called Mustard Seeds. Mustard Seed packets are used both for personal Bible study & as an evangelism or witness tool.
Visit the LWML site for information, ordering, and to signup for emails.

The Time is Now / 2-minute Tuesdays
“Great ideas and words of encouragement”
Are you committed to helping LWML make an impact on the next generation? Pledge by signing up to receive an email with helpful tips – they take only a short while to read and they come every other Tuesday. The emails are even archived for a wealth of ideas! Join the thousands of women who are already receiving 2-Minute Tuesdays!
Sign up at the LWML Time is Now page.
Visual Faith® Ministry
If you enjoyed the coloring note cards designed by Pat Maier and presented by Eden Keefe at the Christian Life Retreat November 2017 OR if you are just interested in what the “Visual Faith® Ministry” buzz is about, check out the new resources available on the Visual Faith® Ministry website www.visualfaithmin.org
This site was founded by Connie Denninger, the wife of LCMS Southeastern District President Emeritus, and Pat Maier, wife of LCMS Michigan District President Emeritus. In the words of Eden Keefe “This is an AMAZING website!” Mostly, they are all free printables for church, school, or personal use. You “add them to your cart” as you browse and then “check out”, but after check out they are available as a free download to you and are also sent to your email address. Check it out!

Table Prayer and Mite Offering Songs
A great way to bring joy and fellowship to your group or zone meetings is to sing praises to the Lord! This new resource brings together numerous great table prayers set to familiar tunes as well as a mite offering prayer.
Next time your group or zone gathers for a meal, why not thank the Lord by SINGING His praises!
View / download the Table Prayer & Mite Offering Songs PDF here.