Ways to Give to the LWML Kansas District

Thank you for your Support!

Please see the offering options below for more information.

LWML Mite Offerings to Support Mission Grants​

  • Mite Boxes are used to collect money for missions.
  • 25% of the mite offering is sent to LWML for national mission grants, and the remaining 75% is used for LWML Kansas District mission grants, publications, and operations.
  • Mite offerings are used to further God’s kingdom through the mission grants selected by delegates at district and national conventions.
  • Personal Mite Boxes (free for the cost of postage), children’s Mite Boxes, and larger Mite Boxes may be purchased from the CPH store at 1-800-325-3040 or online.
  • You may also order them from the Kansas District Financial Secretary at financialsecretary@kansaslwml.org
  • Place your Mite Box wherever you can feed it: dressing table, office desk, laundry room, car, kitchen counter, etc. You “mite” want to give a Mite Box to family members and friends!
  • Return your filled Mite Box to your LWML group/society,
  • LWML group treasurers will send the mite offerings to the LWML Kansas District Financial Secretary. Be sure to include a remittance voucher with your mailing.

Send to:
LWML Kansas District Financial Secretary
PO Box 491
Haven, KS 67543

Prayer for Mite Offerings

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for giving me all that I have. Bless these mite offerings that I return to you so that they may be used to spread the Good News of Jesus’ love here and throughout the world through the mission grants that they support.


Mite Boxes

Online Giving

  • Donations can be made from bank accounts or credit or debit cards.
  • Anyone can give a one-time donation as a guest.
  • Sign up to create an account and log in each time so you can save your payment methods, set up recurring donations, and view your giving history.
  • If you sign up with the mobile app, you are also signed up for online, and vice versa.

Mobile App: Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement (for smartphones)

  • Click the link above or search for Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement (made by Vanco Payment Solutions) in the App Store or Google Play Store and install the app.
  • Search for LWML Kansas District as the church name.
  • Donations can be made from bank accounts or credit or debit cards.
  • Anyone can give a one-time donation as a guest.
  • Sign up to create an account and log in each time so you can save your payment methods, set up recurring donations, and view your giving history.
  • If you sign up with the mobile app, you are also signed up for online, and vice versa.

Joyful Response®

Joyful Response® is the Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) service that provides LWML members and supporters an electronic, automated method to make recurring mite offerings and other contributions from their bank checking or savings account. The offerings of members will be included in their group’s contribution total. For those unable to attend meetings regularly or at all, Joyful Response® provides a means of regular, consistent support.

Read more about Joyful Response®

How can I enroll for Joyful Response®?

Download the Enrollment Form, fill in the requested information, and then
Mail the Enrollment form to:
LWML Kansas District Financial Secretary
PO Box 491
Haven, KS 67543

By check, payable to the LWML Kansas District

Designate Your Offering:

  • Day of Prayer
  • District Mission Grants
  • God’s Gracious Gift Fund
  • Leader Development
  • Student Financial Aid
  • Kansas District Operating Expense

Please note which offering on the “For” line of the check.

Include the Remittance Voucher (click to open/save)
Optionally, include the Memorials/Honorariums form (click to open/save)

Mail to:
LWML Kansas District Financial Secretary
PO Box 491
Haven, KS 67543

Your Gift/Memorial

Gifts and memorials may be added to this endowment at any time. Earnings from the endowment will be used to train and equip LWML leaders, provide programming, and carry out the LWML mission.

For more information, visit the LWML Kansas District Endowment Fund page.

By Check

Make checks payable to: LWML Kansas District and note “Endowment” in the memo line.
Include the Remittance Voucher (click to open/save)

Mail to:
LWML Kansas District Financial Secretary
PO Box 491
Haven, KS 67543


Click here for online district donations

Charitable Partnerships

For more information, visit the Charitable Partnerships page.