Gospel Outreach

KSLWML Gospel Outreach Committee Green logo
2019 Mite Box

Purpose Statement

The Gospel Outreach Committee seeks, accepts, evaluates, and forwards Mission Grant requests for selection by the Convention Delegates for each biennium. The Committee also accepts, evaluates, and approves Student Financial Aid applications each school year for students going into church work and enrolled in the Concordia Universities or seminaries. In addition, the Committee considers and forwards potential offering recipients for the Day of Prayer, Mission Walk and Convention offerings to be voted on by the Board of Directors.​

Printable Bookmarks

Keep track of the 2024-2026 LWML Kansas District Mission Grants with a printable bookmark.  This bookmark can be printed either as one or two-sided; 3 per page.  Bookmarks can be printed on paper or cardstock.  Print copies for upcoming Zone and/or Group events.  Add some color by coloring the mission grants as they are paid during this biennium!


2024-2026 Mission Grant and God’s Gracious Gift Fund projects

Mission Grants Poster

2024-2026 Mission Grants

Mission Grants are funded from your Mite Box offerings and other designated donations.

The following grants were selected by the delegates in April 2024 at the LWML Kansas District Convention in Wichita, Kansas.

​The Mission Grants are funded throughout the 2024-2026 biennium as donations allow.

Mission Grant Progress:



1. Light of the World Lutheran Church, De Soto, KSPosterPAID
2. Concordia Theological Seminary Food Co-op, Fort Wayne, INPosterPAID
3. Kansas University Campus Ministry, Lawrence, KSPosterPAID
4. Shepherd’s Canyon Retreat, Wickenburg, AZPosterPAID
5. K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry, Ellsworth, KSPosterPAID
6. Northeast Kansas Lutheran Early Response Team, Gardner, KSPoster$  4,000
7. Lutheran Special School, Kisumu, KenyaPoster$  5,000
8. Concordia Academy, Wichita, KSPoster$  6,000
9. Linn Lutheran School Orchestra, Linn, KSPoster$ 7,500
10. Lutheran Braille Workers, Yucaipa, CAPoster$ 600
T O T A L​$53,100

Thank You Notes

LWML Kansas District

2022 – 2024 Biennium
Day of Prayer
Offering Recipients

Please send your Day of Prayer offerings to the LWML Kansas District Financial Secretary (financialsecretary@kansaslwml.org)

Read about the LWML 2023 Prayer Service efforts.

April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025 Day of Prayer Recipient

The LCMS National Offering

The 2023-2026 Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) National Offering has as its goal making meaningful Lutheran resources available in languages other than English so that all may hear the Good News of Christ crucified for all people.

For more information, please visit the LCMS website: https://www.lcms.org/convention/national/offering